Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Previous studies showed that vitamin B12 deficiency anemia causes a false increase in glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c and that HbA1c decreases with B12 treatment. However, no study has been conducted on how much an increase in hemoglobin Hgb level causes a decrease in HbA1c level after treatment. The study included 37 patients who were not diagnosed with diabetes, did not use anti-diabetic drugs, were pre-diabetic according to HbA1c level, and were diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia in the patient group and 40 healthy volunteers of similar age and gender characteristics in the control group. In the patient group, it was determined that 0. The initial HbA1c of the patient group was 6. Elimination of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia before making a diagnosis or treatment decision according to HbA1c level will prevent patients from misdiagnosis of diabetes and unnecessary treatment changes in diabetic patients. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, glycosylated hemoglobin, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. Treatment of vitamin B12 anemia causes an increase of 0. Prediabetes is defined as a condition, where the glucose level is higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes DM. Prediabetes is a public health problem and its prevalence is increasing worldwide [ 4 ]. Vitamin B12 deficiency arises most commonly from food-based malabsorption of cobalamin. Studies have shown that the prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia varies with Deep Web Escort Linki and increases with advancing age. Deficiency is much more common in developing countries [ 5 ]. HbA1c, which is used as a clinical indicator of the average blood glucose level of the past 3 months, is one of the laboratory tests used in the diagnosis and follow-up of DM [ 67 ]. Despite national standards to eliminate technical errors in the HbA1c test, studies showed that factors such as race, age, diet, medication, and comorbidities can also change HbA1c levels [ 8 ]. While there may be a false increase in HbA1c levels in nutritional anemias and abnormal hemoglobinopathies such as HbF and HbS due to iron, vitamin B12, and Folate deficiency, a false decrease can be observed in HbA1c levels in hemolytic anemia [ 9 ]. HbA1c value increases as erythrocyte RBC lifespan increases [ 10 ]. Anemia and DM are diseases that are common in the society and constitute a public health problem, and they are highly likely to be seen together in the same patient [ 12 ]. Studies showed that the HbA1c level decreases with the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia [ 13 — 15 ]. However, there is no study examining how much of the increase in Hgb level after treatment leads to a decrease in HbA1c. While there is only one study on the patient population with iron Deep Web Escort Linki anemia IDA [ 16 ], there is no study on the patient population with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. This study aimed to demonstrate whether there is a decrease in HbA1c after the treatment of vitamin B12 Deep Web Escort Linki anemia and if there is how much Hgb increase causes a decrease in HbA1c. In the study, 37 patients with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia who were considered to be prediabetic in their examinations and 40 prediabetic patients without vitamin B12 deficiency were included in the study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study were as follows. Patients with prediabetes according to HbA1c level 5. Patients who were previously diagnosed with diabetes or were using a drug known to affect blood sugar levels oral anti-diabetic, orlistat, GLP-1 analog, etc. Patients in the control group of the study did not receive any treatment for 3 months. Hgb, MCV, fasting plasma glucose FPGHbA1c, vitamin B12, and body mass index values of the patients were measured at the beginning and at the end of the 3 rd month and compared. Blood samples were taken at the beginning of the study and at the end of the 3 rd month, following overnight fasting of at least 10 h, in the morning. A Sysmex automated hematology analyzer was used for the whole blood counts. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS version Continuous variables were expressed as mean±standard deviation and categorical variables were presented as frequency and percentage. The Mann—Whitney U or independent samples t-test was used for the analysis of continuous variables, depending on whether the parameters showed normal distribution or not. Paired t-test was used for comparisons of pre- and post-treatment values. Pearson and Spearman rho tests were used for correlation analysis. Our study was approved by the university ethics committee date: This study was conducted at the Kutahya Health Sciences University Hospital and written consent was obtained from each of the patients. The mean age was The control group consisted of 40 patients: 29 female Their mean age was Details are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Cervical MRI examinations of the patients were evaluated for the presence of C 5 and C 6 root compression. In our study, we evaluated the relationship between C 5 and C 6 radiculopathy and shoulder lesions by clinical and MRI findings. Find articles by Bengi Oz. Therefore, these parameters were excluded from the evaluation. Bu çerezler, örneğin, oturum bilgilerinizi hatırlayarak, video performansını optimize ederek veya sitemizin nasıl kullanıldığı hakkında bize bilgi vererek bu sitede daha iyi bir müşteri deneyimi sunulmasına olanak sağlar. Weitere Informationen über die Datenverarbeitung können Sie den Datenschutzhinweisen entnehmen.
Frank Schellenberger
Early diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) associated with reproductive health-related risk factors (RHRF). Bu ve benzeri suçlarda sık sık adını. Background. Dark web kavramı uyuşturucu, silah kaçakçılığı ve çocuk pornosuyla ilgili haberlerde gündeme geliyor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the coexistence of C5 and/or C6 root compression with rotator cuff pathologies and its effect on pain and disability. Erişim linki; Page Mednar, Deep Web Technologies tarafından geliştirilen ve gelişmiş özelliklere sahip bir arama.Vad et al. A Sysmex automated hematology analyzer was used for the whole blood counts. Our study is original also in this aspect. All rights reserved. Bu çerezler, örneğin, oturum bilgilerinizi hatırlayarak, video performansını optimize ederek veya sitemizin nasıl kullanıldığı hakkında bize bilgi vererek bu sitede daha iyi bir müşteri deneyimi sunulmasına olanak sağlar. It was recommended that cervical radiculopathy be kept in mind as a possible source of pain in the evaluation of patients with shoulder pain [ 26 ]. Comparison of changes in HbA1c and hematological parameters between the patient and control groups. Cervical region pathologies can also cause pain complaints on the shoulder and arm [ 3 — 5 ]. Inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study were as follows. What fascinates me about my work at BMG is the variety of tasks I have, the issues I tackle, and the people I interact with, ranging from trainees to CEOs, from creative departments through to finance departments, and from Australia to the United States. A total of 65 patients with pain radiating from neck to shoulder were retrospectively evaluated on the basis of demographic data, duration of symptoms, overhead activities, and physical examination. Add Cancel. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS version There may also be conditions affecting the functionality of the neck and shoulder and the upper extremities. Any guarantees may exceptionally be waived if you consent to this. Previous studies showed that vitamin B12 deficiency anemia causes a false increase in glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c and that HbA1c decreases with B12 treatment. In the same study, impingement syndrome was found to be significantly less frequent in the group with cervical radiculopathy [ 23 ]. MRI findings for cervical radiculopathy have not been evaluated in the previous studies; our study is unique because all of our patients were examined with MRI findings in addition to clinical findings. Die vollständigen Informationen zum Datenschutz nach Art. In particular, it has been argued that C 5 radiculopathy may mimic rotator cuff lesions and that the pain is localized to the shoulder, which may cause weakness of the shoulder during abduction and external rotation [ 13 ]. In line with this work, it can be suggested that the increase in RBC volume may contribute to false increases in HbA1c in vitamin B12 deficiency anemia since increased MCV in vitamin B12 deficiency anemia expands the erythrocyte surface area and interacts with plasma glucose compared to normal erythrocytes. Their mean age was Our study demonstrated that the HbA1c level decreased statistically significantly with the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia in prediabetic patients. In a recent study, IDA patients and patients with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia were compared with healthy controls before and after 3-month treatment, and similarly, it was found that HbA1c decreased significantly after vitamin B12 deficiency anemia and IDA treatment [ 13 ]. Patients aged 18—70 years who applied to our outpatient clinic from December to April with the complaint of pain radiating from the neck to shoulder and had cervical and shoulder MRI examinations were included in our study. MRIs of the shoulders where the neck pain had radiated were evaluated. In our study, the majority of patients presenting with neck-to-shoulder pain were female, and the mean age of pain occurence Capoor et al. When the cervical MRI examinations of the patients were examined, no cervical pathology was detected in 4.