Student orientation programs are designed to aid freshmen, transfers, and non-traditional students in adjusting to the academic and social life of the college. The primary purpose of the college orientation program is to help students understand the nature of the college, the educational opportunities available to them, the values and functions of the college community, and the central objective of the college as an academic enterprise. It is also intended to permit students to participate in the testing program; to participate in academic advisement, and to inform them about matters relating to student registration, campus activities, and other aspects of college life. Prospective students attending an orientation program are subject to the rules and regulations governing student discipline and conduct set out in the student handbook and this catalog. Your Alanya Escort You Toube required. Your Email required. Student Orientation Student orientation programs are designed to aid freshmen, transfers, and non-traditional students in adjusting to the academic and social life of the college. Categories Featured Lifestyle Photography Uncategorized. Newsletter Get Latest News and Campus updates. Box Dubai, UAE. Quick Links. Contact us.
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