Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. I also think Arda Tümer was a really good choice for Miles, his voice matches with his personality. Erdem Tunatekin as Miguel O'hara, this. Up to plotting how they met and became involved. For this character they very much met after Dilan and Leyla were on the run together and probably became the first member of the crime family. They met when Dilan and Leyla were trying to break into their house vacation house to steal food, art, and etc. They had broke in late at night thinking everyone had left, only to find your character alone in the house. Rather than rat them to the police your character let them take what they came for, then proceed to follow them. They were a rich teenager bored with their life and the fact their parents never paid them any mind. Rather than stay in a world that bored them, they joined the girls along for their cons and heists. Whenever there is legal trouble or anything is needed money wise your character is the one who shows up to bail people out via their connections or cash. They come from old money, but the money is only used when needed. They would be the most attached to the girls overall and probably have followed them everywhere expect for when they are doing things to appease their parents so they fund the lifestyle that your character has which they likely lied to the parents and said it was a party or gaming lifestyle. They always look out for the girls and make sure they always had food and a place to stay. Disclaimer: this character profile was created specifically to fit Prince Hamid on Meant To Be universe. I unfortunately don't own the character, I don't assume to know everything about him and I have no intention to affirm this is exactly who he is and how other people should write him. I'm merely a Top Zeyno Escort Tweet Ankara enthusiast of this lovely character and I do my best to keep his essence while adding a few headcanons of my own. Background: First born of Ambassador of Türkiye in Australia Murat Osmanoğlu and prosecutor Raisa Doğan-Osmanoğlu, Hamid is easy going, perceptive and polite, has the ability to make friends everywhere he goes and charms everyone with his sense of humor and kind heart. With an impressive wit and knack for languages, he's fluent in seven languages Arabic, English, French, German, Hindi, Mandarin and Spanish aside from his native tongue. He fell in love with International Relations when he was nine and studied Economics and Finance at Bahcesehir Universityhoping to follow his father's footsteps and become a diplomat. To please his mother, he studied Law in Cambridgeworked with her for six months and quit to spent a month traveling with his father. The Osmanoğlu family on his father side is composed by direct descentants from the House of Osman. When the Ottoman Empire fell, his grandfather Sehzade Osman was exiled in the UK with his family, then moved to the United States, where he married and lived most of his life. All Osmanoğlu members follow Muslim traditions, but living in western countries made them Top Zeyno Escort Tweet Ankara to a modern lifestyle. The Doğan family on his mother sidehowever, is more traditional. Mostly composed by women, they live in the same neighborhood and gather around at least twice per month. Filthy rich, pragmatic and meddlesome, they often interfere on younger relatives career choices, friendships and relationships, calling family meetings and interventions whenever they see fit. Though Hamid loves his mother and aunts dearly, their intrusive habits are among the reasons why he moved out of his family's house and doesn't have plans to live permanently in Turkiye again. He likes most cooking TV shows, but his favourite is Masterchef Kids he is amazed by talented children. He's not entirely ashamed of the greasy food and says it motivates him to exercise more in the next day, but will blantantly deny liking Love Island, Love is Blind and Say Yes To The Dress. Non-alcoholic - Turkish coffee, cappucino, Turkish tea, pomegranate juice, strawberry daiquiri mocktail. Travel to Sub-Saharan Africa, take Daphne to travel with him more often, buying an apartment in London. When he's alone, he goes jogging or driving to clear his head then finds something to eat. When he's with Daphne, he stays home with her, preferably resting his head on her lap as they watch movies. Campaigners ENFPs are true free spirits — outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. These personality types run deep — as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people. He's not as close to the King of Cordonia as he used be, but they're still good friends. Vales kimdir?
Selena Gomez. Alttaki yorumlar kısmından fikirlerinizi bizimle paylaşabilirsiniz. Levent Sevi Ile Levo'nun Tavernası. Güneye Giderken Mor ve Ötesi. They would be the most attached to the girls overall and probably have followed them everywhere expect for when they are doing things to appease their parents so they fund the lifestyle that your character has which they likely lied to the parents and said it was a party or gaming lifestyle. The Doğan family on his mother side , however, is more traditional.
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