The effects of combination treatment with LT4 and LT3 on diastolic functions and atrial conduction time in LT4-treated women with low T3: a short term follow-up study. Özgün Makale Uluslararası. Significance of postmortem biomarkers and multimarker strategy in sudden cardiac death. Vaka Takdimi Uluslararası. Pulmonary embolism initially misdiagnosed as perimyocarditis in a young patıent. The prevalence and clinical significance of incidental non-cardiac findings on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and unreported rates of these findings in official radiology reports. Yorum Uluslararası. Derleme Makale Uluslararası. Yorum Ulusal. Percutaneous revascularisation of a chronic total occlusion in a surgically reconstructed vessel. Drug-eluting stent, drug eluting balloon controversy in peripheral artery disease; what is the verdict? Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the pulmonary artery and simultaneous coronary-bronchial artery fistula. A bail-out intervention: low-speed rotablation for management of an underexpanded stent causing recurrent stent restenosis. Sol ventrikül nonkompaksiyonu: Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları. Vaka Takdimi Ulusal. Importance of Postintervention Education. Plaque burden influences accurate classification of fibrous cap atheroma by in vivo optical coherence tomography in a porcine model of advanced coronary atherosclerosis. An extremely rare but considerably important device-related complication of percutaneous atrial septal defect closure. Bioresorbable vascular scaffold radial expansion and conformation compared to a metallic platform insights from in vitro expansion in a coronary artery lesion model. Near infrared spectroscopy intravascular ultrasound scientific basis and clinical applications. Özet Uluslararası. Bioabsorbable vascular scaffold overexpansion insights from in vitro post expansion experiments. Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold What have we learned after 5years of clinical experience. Effects of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery on retinal vascular caliber ocular pulse amplitude and retinal thickness measurements. Is high pressure postdilation safe in bioresorbable vascular scaffolds Optical coherence tomography observations after noncompliant balloons inflated at more than 24 atmospheres. Indications and immediate and long term results of a novel pericardium covered stent graft Consecutive 5 year single center experience. Limitation of motion and shoulder disabilities in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices. Impaired coronary blood flow Denizli Escort Nazlı Bozkurt be related to elevated homocysteine levels in patients with metabolic syndrome. Stop adding metal layers Will bioabsorbable scaffolds become the gold standard for late in stent restenosis and neo atherosclerosis. Özgün Makale Ulusal. Exclusion of a giant aneurysm post Kawasaki disease with novel polyurethane covered stents. Successful percutaneous repositioning of a dislodged atrial pacemaker lead with a deflectable catheter. Optical coherence tomography in bioabsorbable stents mechanism of vascular response and guidance of stent implantation. Left lateral free wall Denizli Escort Nazlı Bozkurt ablation complicated by plaque rupture and acute occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Sustained ventricular tachycardia in a patient with isolated non compaction cardiomyopathy online article case report. The association between coronary flow rate and impaired heart rate recovery in patients with metabolic syndrome A preliminary report. Clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of the patients with relatively slow atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. Atherosclerotic changes in coronary aneurysms post Kawasaki disease in vivo demonstration with near infrared spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound. Thrombus aspiration in primary angioplasty for ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. İnferiyor miyokart enfarktüsü sonrası sol ön Denizli Escort Nazlı Bozkurt koroner arterde miyokart köprüleşmesinin kaybolması.
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