How To Have Sex With A Pregnant Woman is a lifelong biopsychosocial concept that is affected by the attitudes, behaviors and thoughts of people and is shaped by the society in which they live. This concept varies according to the life periods of the person. Pregnancy is one of these life stages. During pregnancy, a woman tries to adapt to the changes that occur in her body from a physiological point of view, to adapt to motherhood and pregnancy from a psychosocial point of view, and to adapt to new roles. In this adaptation process, problems such as physiological complaints, disliking the appearance, thinking that pregnancy will change their life greatly, seeing pregnancy as an obstacle, decrease in sexual desire and ending sexual life can be experienced. The most effective way to deal with the lack of information, false information and myths, which are the main causes of these problems, is counseling. The evaluation of sexuality during pregnancy should be handled with a holistic perspective and with the participation of the spouses. The couple should be made to express their complaints, and they should be asked with detailed questions about how pregnancy feels, what it changes, what is received positively and negatively, how it affects sexuality, and their expectations and experiences. The problem with the answers given should be identified and a solution should be offered. The continuity of the counseling service is important in order to prevent the sexuality of pregnant women from being adversely affected and to cope with the problems. However, not only physiological changes, but also the changes created by pregnancy should be addressed in the training given in pregnant schools. Bozdemir N, Özcan S. Cinselliğe ve cinsel sağlığa genel bakış. Cinsellik [Internet]. Gebelikte cinsellik. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Derg. Erkeklerin gebelikte cinsel yaşamla ilgili mitleri. Androloji Bülteni. Gebelikte olağan fi̇zi̇ksel yakınmalar. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. Terzioğlu F. Ebeveynliğe hazırlanma ve doğum öncesi bakım. In: Taşkın L, editor. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. Akademisyen Kitabevi; Sexual activities of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of a tertiary hospital in north-west nigeria. Pan Afr Med J. Evaluation of sexual functions of the pregnant women. J Sex Med. Comparison of sexual function in pregnant women with different gestational age. Mædica [Internet]. Kızılkaya Beji N. Sexuality During Pregnancy: What is important for sexual satisfaction in expectant fathers? J Sex Marital Ther. Günümüze değin cinsellik konusunda yapılan çalışmaların irdelenmesi. Factors influencing the quality of life of pregnant women: a systematic review. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Investigation of sexual function and body image of pregnant women and sexual function of their partners. Sex Relatsh Ther. Alterations in sexual functions during and after pregnancy: prejudice? Klin Psikiyatr Derg. Gebelikte ci̇nsel ı̇şlev ve ci̇nsel memnuni̇yetin değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇. Bilen Sadi Z, Aksu H. Gebelikte eşleri̇n ci̇nsel yaşamı ve etki̇leyen etmenleri̇n ı̇ncelenmesi̇. J Anatolia Nurs Heal Sci.
Toplam yıldız puanını ve yıldıza göre yüzde dökümünü hesaplamak için basit bir ortalama kullanmayız. Urology journal. Policy implications:The findings of this study show that sexual distress during pregnancy is common and affected by some factors related to personal and sexual life during pregnancy. Conditions that require abstinence from sexual intercourse during pregnancy:. Erbil N. Ürün ayrıntılarının sonraki slaydı.
Evaluation of pregnant women’s attitudes towards sex life and sexuali
Sexual activities of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of a tertiary hospital in north-west nigeria. Pan Afr Med J. ;37():1– They reported that the biggest reason for pregnant women to reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse was the fear of harming the fetus during sexual. Sexual distress increased when the mean age and the number of pregnancies and children increased, whereas it decreased when the gestational week increased. The findings of this study show that sexual distress during pregnancy is common and affected by some factors related to personal and sexual life during.Alterations in sexual functions during and after pregnancy: prejudice? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14 , — Does the female sexual distress scale-revised cover the feelings of women with HSDD? Koç E, Oskay Ü. Conception and design: EK, NB. Alexandria journal of medicine. Critical revision of the manuscript: EK, NB. Female sexual function and associated factors during pregnancy. Müşteri yorumu yazın. In these cases, it may be useful to avoid. Sexual intercourse during pregnancy does not harm the baby and there is no physical contact between the genitals and the baby. Int Ref J Nurs Res. DSM IV. Jawed-Wessel S, Sevick E. Effect of pelvic floor muscle training on female sexual function during pregnancy and postpartum: A randomized controlled trial. Turkish adaptation of female sexual distress scale-R: A validity and reliability study. Fuchs, A. The participants were informed about the study, and their written informed consent was obtained after they were informed explaining that their identities would be kept confidential and that their personal information would be used only for this study. Pregnancy and sexuality: From concept to nursing approaches in perspective. Sexual function changes during pregnancy. Sexual functioning in pregnant women. References Bozdemir N, Özcan S. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17 , — Başa dön. Yayınlanma Tarihi. J Hum Sci. Turkish Fam Physcian [Internet]. Effect of pregnancy on sexual function of couples. Development of contextually-relevant sexuality education: Lessons from a comprehensive review of adolescent sexuality education across cultures. Puanlar nasıl hesaplanır? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Atención Primaria. Pan Afr Med J.