İçeriğe atla. There are currently names in this directory beginning with the letter a. A rolling stone gathers no moss Yuvarlanan taş yosun tutmaz. A-bomb atom bombası. MS, milattan sonra. Aaronical Yahudiliğe göre ilk yüksek haham olan Aaron'a değişli. Abkhas Abhaz, Abhazca. Abkhazia Abhazya. Abkhazian Abhaz, Abhazca. Geriye dön! Abyssinia Habeşistan. Abyssinian Habeş. Accra Akra. AD MS, Milattan sonra, ilan, reklam. Adam Adem. Adam's apple gırtlak çıkıntısı, Adem elması. Addison's disease Adison hastalığı. Aden Aden körfezi. Admiralty Amirallik Dairesi. Adrianople Edirne. Adriatic Adriya Denizi. Aegean Ege. Aegean Sea Ege Denizi. Afghan Afganlı, Afgan, Afganca, bir çeşit yün atkı veya battaniye. Afghanistan Afganistan. Africa Afrika. African Afrikalı. Airedale iri teriyer türü. Albania Arnavutluk. Albanian Arnavut. Albion ingiltere. Aleppo Halep. Aleppo pine Halep çamı. Alexandria iskenderiye. Algeria Cezayir. Algerian Cezayirli. Herkes gemiye! All that glitters is not gold Parlayan herşey altın değildir. Allah Allah. Allied Powers Müttefik Kuvvetler.
English - Turkish Dictionary
İngilizce Sözlük – EasyGoEnglish let's make love. İngilizce - İngilizce. let's have sex, let's sleep together. dry-hump teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e. while wearing clothes. let's have sex, let's sleep together teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. Sesli Sözlük - let's have sex, let's sleep togetherHydrocephalus is treated by implanting a shunt in the skull to drain the excess fluid. İngiltere ve A. The hydatiform mole is a common complication of gestation. Articular crystal deposits are associated with a variety of acute and chronic joint disorders. Bir sözlük seçin.
Eş anlamlılar
while wearing clothes. domestic commerce iç ticaret. commentary tefsir; çıkma haşiye. let's have sex, let's sleep together teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. let's make love. chamber of commerce ticaret odası. Ad Sıfat. let's have sex, let's sleep together. "kucak" metninin İngilizce çevirisi. commerce -- ticaret; toplumsal ilişkiler; cinsel ilişki. lap · embrace. İngilizce - İngilizce. dry-hump teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e.Some individuals become reinfected with mycobacteria, reactivate dormant disease, or progress directly from the primary mycobacterial lesions into disseminated disease. Arabic figures Arap rakamları. I am down for a place at medical school. There are currently names in this directory beginning with the letter a. A number of processes may disturb the normal activity of the endocrine system. What part? The liver and kidneys are capable of gluconeogenesis. Renal diseases are responsible for a great deal of morbidity but, fortunately, are not major causes of morbidity. Proteins are hydrolyzed into amino acid units. Muscle spindles are fusiform structures that respond to stretch in muscles and have a role in maintaining tone. Aleppo Halep. Geneticists study the way in which characteristics are passed from one generation to the next. Antipodes Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda, yeryüzünün aksi tarafında bulunan yer. Carbon dioxide and water are excreted when a person expires. The common pituitary adenoma is a soft, well-circumscribed lesion that may be confined to the cella turcica. Dermatoplasty is required to replace severely burned areas of the skin. Japanese, Chinese, Vienn-ese. In the inheritance of diabetes, homozygous recessice offspring are affected. Weakness and fatigue are symptoms of lack of hemoglobulim. In the human embryo, clusters of stem cells, called blood islands, appear in the yolk sac in the third week of fetal development. I was pleased at her behaviour. A cluster of embryonic cells can develop into an adult organ by repeated mitotic divisions. A genotype describes the genes for a characteristic. Sold at 10 cents each. İngilizce—İtalyanca İtalyanca—İngilizce. Bunsen burners are used to heat chemicals in the laboratory. Understanding the structure of the DNA molecule helps to clarify its function in protein synthesis. The lungs are ingeniously constructed to carry out their cardinal function, the exchange of gasses between inspired air and the blood. Most mutations are detrimental but a few are useful to the mutant organism.